Financing of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for Adaptation of Their Activities within the Context of COVID-19
On 15 October 2020, the Managing Authority of Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 announced for public discussion a procedure for selection of projects "Adapting of the activities of SMEs within the context of COVID-19”. This article briefly describes the main parameters of the procedure and how to apply. It is important to note that the procedure is not yet open for application and it is possible for changes to the application conditions to be introduced beforehand.
1. Eligible Applicants
The eligible candidates will be small enterprises within the meaning of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Act (SMEA) meeting the following criteria:
The applicants may apply for financing only for their main economic activity. The code of the main economic activity shall be checked as per the information for 2019.
2. Amount of the Financing
The minimum and maximum amounts of the financing grant shall depend on the type of enterprise applying, within the meaning of SMEA:
The financial grant provided under the procedure cannot exceed 10% of the net revenue from sales of microenterprises, 5% of the net revenue from sales of small enterprises; and 2.5% of the net revenue from sales of medium-sized enterprises.
It is important to note that the co-financing rate under the procedure is 70%. The remainder of the total eligible costs under the project must be co-financed with own funds of the applicant or with funds from outside sources, except for any type of public financing.
3. Activities and Costs Eligible for Financing
Eligible under the procedure will be activities for re-organization and adaptation of the working places and/ or the models of work in micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, related to the ensuring of healthy and safe working conditions in the conditions of COVID-19.
The eligible costs include long-term tangible and intangible assets, costs for materials and consumables as well as costs for construction and installation works.
Other eligible costs may include:
On the other hand, the application conditions provide for a number of ineligible costs, including (the list is not exhaustive):
4. Application Procedure and Necessary Documentation
The applicants under the procedure will be required to submit entirely online the following documentation:
Upon approval, the candidates will be required to present an additional set of documents.
The evaluation of candidates will be carried out in two stages - assessment of administrative compliance and eligibility (stage 1) and technical and financial evaluation (stage 2).
The public discussion of the procedure took place until 22 October 2020 and it is still unclear when the application conditions will be announced in their final version and the procedure will be open for application. Therefore, it should be noted that amendments to the application conditions prior to its opening are possible.
This material is not exhaustive, is only of general nature and does not represent a specific advice or consultation. Should any additional questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us at tel.: 02/943 37 00, fax: 02/943 37 07, е-mail: or at: 38, Oborishte Str., Sofia 1504.
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